Terms & Conditions of Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.

For Agent:-
You must agree to the following Terms & Conditions to become an Agent.
  1. You must request by feeling the form through www.unisearch.com.np/become_an_agent.php in order to become an agent of Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.
  2. When you registered with Unisearch Pvt. Ltd. your account must be activated by Administrator otherwise you could not login. You have to manually write an email to admin@unisearch.com.np to activate your account as well as you have to persuade that how you will cooperate with Unisearch Pvt. Ltd. and Why you are interested to become an agent of Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Once you registered and If you are activated by Administrator then you can Download the Document of Related Universities as well as you can view the status of students.
  4. You can not view the Processing Status of other students which you haven't applied for process through Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.
  5. You account will deleted or deactivated if you perform any illegal operation against the Website or the content of Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Your login information including Computer Name / IP will be recorded by the server of Unisearch Pvt. Ltd.
  7. You are not authorized to share your User Name and password, information through your Login to other Agent(s), Person(s) or companies.
  8. You are not authorized to change your password, if you would like to change your password then you have to write an e-mail to Unisearch Administrator (admin@unisearch.com.np)